Trach Care

Perform Trach Care Every 12 hours

According to hospital policy the Trach Care needs to be done every 12 hours. Trach Care includes changing the inner cannula.

Change the inner Cannula

•  GWUH promotes the use of disposable inner cannulas .

•  Remember that disposable inner cannulas have the ‘clips' on either side

•  If you have a disposable inner cannula then make sure you have the same size and type of inner cannula before discarding the used one

•  Replace the inner cannula

•  Never use Hydrogen Peroxide on a disposable inner cannula as the material will start to decompose.

•  For a patient who presents with a permanent inner cannula

•  Sterile technique is required and the inner cannula is cleaned using ½ hydrogen peroxide and ½ NS mixture

•  H2O2 loosens debris

•  Clean inner cannula with pipe cleaners or brush to remove debris and thick secretions

•  Rinse in NS

•  Never use gauze to dry

Remove oxygen source from outer cannula to gain access to the opening of the outer cannula and insert inner cannula

Lock inner cannula in place

Reestablish oxygen source

Keep Stoma Clean and Dry

After cleaning or replacing the inner cannula, the outside of the trach needs to be cleaned.

•  Moisten swabs and 4 X 4 gauze pads with NS Apply around stoma site, and neck plate removing secretions and debris

•  Pat dry the skin area surrounding the stoma site. The dry surface promotes decrease in microorganism growth and skin breakdown

•  Apply a clean, precut tracheostomy dressing under faceplate. This promotes absorption from drainage.

•  Never cut a 4X4 gauze pad because the edges fray and provide a potential source for infection

Precut Gauze Do not cut for drsg or May fold 2 4x4's to mimic a use to dry trach pre-cut gauze dressing


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