Changing the ties

General Principles

•  Always hold one-side of trach in place once untied.

•  Change one side at a time.

When using tapers or ties

•  Insert one tie end through the faceplate and pull until ½ of the taper is through the eyelet.

•  Slide the double tie around the back of the neck and insert through the second eyelet.

•  Bring one tie around the neck, pull snug, and tie in a double square knot on the side of the neck where you started.

With that said it is worth mentioning that we have and normally use Velcro Tracheal Ties.

When using Tracheostomy Holder (Velcro)

•  These are for single use only. Do not wash.

•  Thread long narrow fastener tabs through flanges on trach plate

•  Bring tabs back over flange and adhere to soft material on the neckband

•  Allow a longer loop on the fastener tabs to keep neckband from becoming soiled

•  Adjust and secure wide fastener tabs (A) to soft material on neckband (B) for proper length or compression.

•  Cut off excess material

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