Tracheostomy Tube Accessories

Shiley Speaking Valve
•  Designed for use on alert, awake tracheostomy patients who are able to breathe independently without assisted mechanical ventilation.
•  It connects to the tracheostomy tube to direct airflow past the vocal cords to give patients the ability to speak.
•  It permits easier vocalization without finger occlusion
Disposable Inner Cannula
•  Disposable inner cannula has ‘clips' or ‘snap lock' on either ide

Disposable Decannulation Plug
· Used with the Disposable cannula cuffless Trach tubes
· When snapped into place on the Disposable Cuffless Tube it allows breathing through fenestration and upper airway
· The cuff closes to the proximal end of the tube

Decannulation Plug
· Connect to the outer cannula of a low pressure cuff tube
Inner Cannula for Low Pressure Cuffed Trach Tube
· Translucent
· No clips thus not disposable
· The twist lock locks into place with the outer cannula. It also permits

connection of ancillary equipment ie ventilator / ambu bag

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